Nukna Bible Backgrounds Course Update

In our last Taylor Tidings update, we shared about the amazing impact the recent Bible backgrounds training course has had on the Nukna people – and that impact has been continuing on! Course participants have been taking what they learned and teaching other Nukna people who weren’t at the original course. It’s such a joy to see them taking on these key roles as leaders and teachers, and holding these courses without any outside involvement! In Siang village, 92 Nukna people attended and learned about God’s plan for mankind, from Genesis to Revelation.
An elderly man named Muningi said, “From the time I was a young man until now, I’ve been searching for the way to have eternal life, and now this Bible backgrounds course has clearly shown us the way!”
A village leader named Ketori said, “When the Scripture Use team came, it was like they came and raised us up from the grave and we have found true life!” Click on the new video (above) to share in the excitement of what God is doing among the Nukna people!

One thought on “Nukna Bible Backgrounds Course Update

  1. Thanks for sending I will post on the board at church. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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