Ministry update

Getting closer! We’re happy to share that the Nukna New Testament translation has
seen great progress recently. In November Matt traveled to Hamelengan
village to complete the village checking of 1 & 2 Corinthians as well
as half of Romans. Then in January, 1 & 2 Corinthians were consultant
checked, bringing us to 82% of the New Testament completed! In
January and February we also completed the team checks of the rest
of Romans as well as 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John and Jude. Thank you
for your continued prayers as we have both struggled and rejoiced
through our many long translation sessions. The Nukna translators
continue in faithfulness, giving of their time and talents to help push
this important work forward.

In January, our fellow missionaries and local Papua New Guinean Christians put on a
Vacation Bible School for hundreds of local children. Christy helped teach the girls’ Bible
lessons, Julianne and Justin helped run games, and Elijah was part of the service team,
which included duties such as collecting and washing hundreds of cups each day.

Check our our full newsletter (under the newsletter tab) for lots more pictures!