Our family just returned from Hamelengan village. Thank you for your prayers for us during this time. With the help of the Nukna people, we completed quality checks of the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians and 1 & 2 Timothy. These checks are called ‘village checking’, because we take the translations out into the village to get feedback from the local community. We also completed the ‘team check’ (revision of the first draft) of the book of Titus.
One of the highlights of our time in the village was the creation of the Nukna Translation Committee. Representatives from villages all over the Nukna language area met with us in Hamelengan village to discuss the current state of the translation program, and to plan how they, the Nukna people, can make an impact in their communities by advancing the work of Bible translation. We believe that one of the keys to Bible translation is local ownership, so we are working to place more of the responsibility and decision-making into the hands of the Nukna people. It was exciting to be part of these meetings as we brainstormed and dreamed together about what God could do in the hearts of the Nukna people through the power of His word. Please pray with us that much good fruit would result from these meetings.
Another part of a successful translation program is sustainability – training up the Nukna people with the skills they need to continue the translation work when we are one day gone. As a part of that, Muransi is currently with us at the translation center in Ukarumpa, attending the Basic Computing course. He’s never used a computer before, so they’re teaching him the very basics – how to turn the computer on, what a window is, how to double-click, etc. We hope that one day this training will enable him to use a computer for translation work.
During our time in Hamelengan, we enjoyed some of the best weather we’ve ever experienced in the village. The dry, sunny days enabled our family to go on several hikes around the valley, to places we don’t normally go with the kids because the trails are usually so muddy and slippery. Everyone was healthy and we enjoyed lots of family time together after the very busy end to the school year in Ukarumpa. Board games, reading books aloud to each other, and our new cat Phoenix chasing geckos and chickens were just some of the daily entertainments.
Now that we are back in Ukarumpa, Christy is continuing her role as receptionist one morning per week for the Ukarumpa health clinic, and is also volunteering three mornings per week as teacher’s aide for the first grade class at our kids’ school. Please pray for her as she contributes in these ways to the missionary community here, in addition to her home and family duties. Our organization’s Executive Committee, which Matt is a part of, will be meeting this week. Please pray for wisdom and good communication as they discuss many important issues. In mid-August, three Nukna men will come to Ukarumpa to work with us to revise the first drafts of Philippians, Colossians and Philemon.
Thank you for your prayers and gifts that make it possible for us to serve here in Papua New Guinea!